Babies Should Sleep With Their Mothers Until Age Three, New Research Claims
Should Three Year Olds Sleep with Their Mothers?
According to Dr. Nils Bergman from the University of Cape Town in South Africa, healthy newborns should sleep on their mother’s chest for the first few weeks of their life in order to achieve optimal development. But Bergman’s research doesn’t stop there! According to this doctor, children should sleep in bed with their mother and father until they are at least three or four years old!
There was a study conducted recently in which 16 different infants were monitored. When the babies slept alongside their mother in bed, the researchers discovered that a baby’s heart endured three times less stress than when he or she slept alone. While babies slept in a cot, they were found to have a far more disrupted sleeping pattern and their brains were far less likely to properly transition from two types of sleep, called active and quiet. While left in the cots, only 6 out of the 16 babies endured any quiet sleep whatsoever, meaning that their sleep quality was far worse than those sleeping with their mothers. (1, 2)
What are other benefits of co-sleeping?
According to Dr. Bergman, children sleeping with their parents have far more benefits than simply to improve sleep. Bergman explains that when a baby sleeps alone in a cot, it changes the part of the brain affected by stress hormones, making it more difficult for the brain to form relationships or close bonds in future life. Not only that, but additional studies researching a baby’s skin-to-skin contact with the mother have revealed an “increased autonomic functioning (respiratory sinus arrhythmia, RSA) and maternal attachment behavior in the postpartum period, reduced maternal anxiety, and enhanced child cognitive development and executive functions from 6 months to 10 years.” (1, 3)
Every parent must do the best that they can personally do for their child. You will always run into both wanted and unwanted parental advice, but it is up to the parent to determine the best option for their own child. What are your thoughts on co-sleeping? Do you co-sleep with your child, or do you prefer they sleep in their crib? What are the benefits you’ve found from either?
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